This section is used primarily for authentication with GSX.
The Sold-To number is required and is provided to all GSX customers by Apple. This allows access to the GSX API. This is the number provided to a company as a whole.
Note: Please enter the entire account number including any leading zeros. Must be a 10 digit number.
Click the "Save" button to save this setting.
Required for GSX authentication.
Note: The file you need is typically named in the following format:
(The number of 'x' will vary, this is merely an example.)
To upload your GSX Certificate:
Required for GSX authentication.
Note: Ensure the private key is not encrypted. The file you need is typically named in the following format:
To upload your GSX Key:
Click the "Save" button at the bottom of this section to save your GSX Settings.
The GSX Passphrase is a unique password provided by Apple. This passphrase is required as part of the authorization process. This allows communication us to communicate with the GSX API.
To authorize with the GSX API enter your passphrase in the text box provided.
Click the "Save" button at the bottom of the section to save your authorization settings.