Editing Reports Created in Previous Versions of PIMS

Editing Reports Created in Previous Versions of PIMS

Editing/Modifying reports you have created in previous versions of PIMS will not be a problem, unless your report includes fields from related tables. 

In this example, we have an inventory report which includes the QTY_ONHAND field from the LOCATION_ONHANDS related table of the INVENTORY master table. Note that the column to the right is the CUSTOM_BOOLEAN1 field from the INVENTORY master table.

When you click the "Fields" button to add a new column . . .

you'll get an error message:

Clicking either "Continue" or "Abort" brings you to the Add Report Columns screen where you can add only fields from the Master Table, in this case, the Inventory table.

Once we add Available Fields to the Report Column and click OK, the column we just added REPLACED all of the columns to the right of the last column displaying information from a related table. The Weighted Cost field replaced the Custom_Boolean1 field we had before we attempted to modify the report.

To add columns rather than replace them, instead of clicking on the Fields icon, mouse over to the right edge of the last column to reveal a "+". Right click and select "Formula".

You will be presented with the Formula Editor which will allow you to enter fields from either the Master or Related tables.

Once you click OK. You end up with a report that contains all of the previous fields plus the one you just added.

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